Student Application


Phone_______________________________________________________ Age____________ Sex _________




Prior Aikido experience / rank____________________________________________________________

Other martial art experience / rank_______________________________________________________

How did you hear of our school?___________________________________________________________


I, the undersigned applicant of AIKIDO OF SAN JOSE (hereafter called "School"),
acknowledge that I am applying for instruction in a martial art involving strenuous
exercise and personal body contact. I acknowledge that the School carries no insurance
against injury to any of its students. As a condition to being admitted to the School
as a student, I assume the risk of all injury and do hereby hold the School, its
employees and agents harmless from any and all liability (including attorney's fees
and costs) for all claims, actions or damages due to injuries suffered by me or
caused to third parties by me, arising out of activities involving Aikido, or any
variation thereof, whether occurring on the premises of the School or elsewhere,
excepting only those claims, actions or damages caused by the gross negligence
or intentional act or omission of any of them.

I agree to abide by the rules of the School and to follow explicitly all
instructions given by instructors during the course of my instruction.

Date _________________________ Signature ___________________________________________________

If under eighteen (18) years of age, parent or guardian must sign below.
I, the undersigned, as parent or guardian of the above applicant, certify
that I have read the above application and I consent to the applicant's receiving
the instruction applied for and I agree to the provisions of the contract for myself
and said applicant.

Date _________________________ Signature ___________________________________________________