The Language of Aikido

Term Pronounced Meaning
Aikido (Eye-key-doe) Ai = Harmony, Ki = Spirit, Do = The Way or Path
Arigato gozaimasu (Ah-ree-gah-toe go-zah-ee-mahss) Thank you
Bokken (Bow-ken) Wooden Sword used in practice
Bushido (Boo-she-doe) Warrior's Code. The way of the warrior.
Deshi (Day-she) Student, pupil, disciple.
Dojo (Doe-joe) Training hall or school.
Domo arigato gozaimashita (doe-moe ah-ree-gah-toe go-zah-ee-mah-she-tah) Thank you very much. (spoken by students at the end of class and at the end of a training practice)
Dori (Doe-ree) Hold
Gi (Ghee) Training uniform.
Gomen Nasai (Go men Nah sai) Sorry
Hakama (Hah-ka-mah) A divided, pant-like skirt.
Hajime (Hah-jee-may) Let's start!
Hanmi (Hawn-me) Triangular stance.
Hiji (Hee-jee) Elbow
Irimi (Ee-ree-me) To enter; entering.
Jiyu Waza (Jee-you Wah-zah) Free style techniques/practice.
Jo (Joe) Wooden staff. Standard size is 52 inches long.
Kata (Kah-tah) Shoulder. Also can mean 'form' practice of pre-arranged exercises or movements.
Katate dori (Kah-tah-tay Door-eee) Wrist grab
Keiko (Kay-koh) Practice session; training.
Ki (Key) Energy or Spirit—the vital force of the body; Universal Energy
Ki no Nagare (Key-noh Nah-gah-ray) Flowing energy or movement.
Kiai (Key-eye) A piercing scream or cry with practical and psychological value meaning - 'Meeting of the Spirits'.
Kokyu (Koke-you) Breath power—the coordination of ki flow with breathing.
Kokyu Dosa (Koke-you doe-sah) A method of off-balancing and pinning your partner with your 'ki' instead of with your physical power.
Konnichi wa (Kone-knee-chee-wah) Good day (said after 10:00 am)
Kyu (Cue) Aikido rank. A mudansha or non black belt level.
Maai (Mah-eye) Distance between uke and nage;— meaning 'harmony of space'.
Nage (Nah-gay) The person who throws or is attacked. Throw.
Obi (Oh-bee) Belt.
Ohayo gozaimasu (Ohio go-zah-ee-mahs) Good Morning (said before 10:00 am)
Onegai Shimasu (Oh-nigh-guy-she-mahss) I make a request. (spoken when one wishes to practice with a fellow student or teacher)
O'Sensei (Oh sen-say) The great teacher. (Morihei Ueshiba)
Randori (Rahn-doe-ree) Multiple attack.
Rei (Ray) Bow or Salutation.
Ryote Dori (Ree-oh-tay Door-eee) Both hands.
Sempai (Sem-pie) Senior student.
Sensei (Sen-say) Teacher, instructor.
Seiza (Say-zah) Formal sitting posture.
Shomen (Show-men) Front or top of the head. Altar at the front of the dojo.
Suburi (Sue-boo-ree) A single movement using the bokken or jo. This is done as a solo practice.
Suwari Waza (Sue-wah-ree Wah-zah) Seated techniques.
Tachi-Dori (Tah-chee Door-eee) Techniques of sword taking.
Tai No Henko (Tie-noh Hen-ko) Basic blending exercise of turning or tenkan.
Tanto (Tahn-toe) Wooden knife.
Tegatana (Tay-gah-tah-nah) Hand blade. Sword edge of the hand.
Tenkan (ten-kahn) Turning.
Tsuki (Tski) Thrust or punch.
Uke (Ooo-kay) The person providing the attack or being thrown by nage.
Ukemi (Ooo-keh-me) The art of falling away from harm.
Ushiro (Ooo-she-row) Behind or rear.
Yame (Yah-may) Stop!
Yokomen (Yoh-koh-men) Strike to the side of the head.
Yudansha (You-dahn-shah) Black belt grade holder.


Counting to Ten

Term Pronounced Meaning
Ichi (eee-chee) 1
Ni (knee) 2
San (sahn) 3
Shi ( she) 4
Go (goh) 5
Roku (row-koo) 6
Shichi (she-chee) 7
Hachi (hah-chee) 8
Ku (koo) 9
Ju ( joo) 10